Kandu Minute Moves

Minute Moves provides rich, biologically-aligned activities to help young children develop both THE BODY AND THE BRAIN. Based on the proprietary Kinetic Scope by educator, author, professional development coach, and movement expert Gill Connell, Minute Moves is more than a brain break.**
Each Minute Moves activity is foundational to positive learning outcomes across a wide range of your curriculum goals, including Classroom Readiness, Literacy & Language, Numeracy & Early STEM, Social/Emotional Development, and Cognition/Critical Thinking. Our Curriculum Guide makes it easy for you to choose activities to support your lesson planning.
These kinds of activities are often called "brain breaks," so much so that we called it a brain break in our title so you could find it in search. But in fact, MOVEMENT IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF A BRAIN BREAK for young children. When children move, the brain is processing information the way nature intended. It's a process we call AUTOMATICITY... getting the body and brain in sync for learning. For more information about The Kinetic Scope, click here.
• 2 Activity Cards for the classroom
• 2 Activity Cards to send home to parents
• Introduction to The Kinetic Scope & How to Use Guide
• Links to lookwhatikandu.com (with shareable content for parents)
• Aligned to standard PreK to Grade 1 curriculum goals
• Great for any class size
• 5-10 minute activities for use any time of the day
• Minimal set up and equipment requirements
• Designed for teacher or child selection
• Lots of fun!
Download our FREE Minute Moves free PDF here