Nutritious Play
Move to Learn
We define “Nutritious Play” as active and immersive, engaging both the body and the brain. Take a look at the Move to Learn Play Guide below and notice the wide variety of play patterns that work hard to help them develop to their fullest.
As you think about play, keep in mind...
Think physical first. Active play is how they learn best.
Allow the time and space they need to play freely on their own, with you, and with other children.
Look for ways to give them lots of variety in their play diet.
Avoid distractions. That includes screens. (Studies have shown that screens playing in the background make it difficult for young children to stay focused.)
Play everywhere. Play shouldn’t be restricted to a particular space or time of day.
Get outside as often as you can.
Play along whenever you can. Kids love it and you will too!

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